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How to know what you like the most

Have you ever been in a situation where you take up something because you like it and then after doing it for some time you find you are no longer happy doing it?
That's what exactly been happening with me all along. Engineering, MBA, Banking, IT consulting, IT consulting with a fatter pay check. My dearest friend thinks I am cut out for an independent businessman. My mother and wife are in no mood to listening to a "I just quit my job" news.
Now I have serious doubts about my interests. Do I switch jobs with full information or are they out of mere curiosity? Am I to be called a fickle mind? How do people know right from the age of three what they want to do? Can't there be someone who wants to try out a couple of things before he settles down on something!!!
Right now I am hell bent on getting into acting. But now I am playing mind games with myself. What if I gt bored there? What next?
I want to find an answer to this question "How to know what you like the most...without actually trying it out?"
Mind helping me with the poll?


Kiran said…
Ah .. now I know I am not the lone member of the "I-am-confused-to-death-about-what-I-should-do" club :-). Good to know I have company!

I have written on vaguely similar lines here.
Clueso said…
I dont think anyone ever knows from the age of 3 what they want to do. If someone says they know, its more like they are ignoring everything else :)

my take on this is that the moment you take up anything as a full time job, there is a high probability of it getting boring, because you sacrifice the independence to pick and choose sections of you want to pursue. A job also makes one accountable to someone else, which kinda sucks...

i haven't solved this conundrum yet, but i think a viable solution would be to follow your true passion as a hobby, with the freedom to explore it as you wish, while keeping a (maybe)boring but profitable job to help pay the bills...if you figure out how to do that, then drop me a line :)

i just realised that this comment is long enough to be a post in itself :)
Anonymous said…
aare baba!!!
when i was a small kid i wanted to be a doctor, untill i grew up and came to realise that Biologoy is not my cup of tea..and techonology gadgets did excite me, untill when i was doing engineering in the same calss as you, my curiosity was coming to an end,, and Management skills were building up my curiosity,,, finance still attracks me a lot,,,
well i am telling u this story coz i also get bored very easily,,, i sometimes think that i need more then what i am doing,,,
and then what happens if you are doing what you always wanted to be, and you cant make enough money ? this question came to my mind when i was doing a job in Belgaum as a sales engineer,,,and was earning just Rs,5K/month.
so now u have to srike a balance in what you like to do, what you have already studied to be ,,,PROFESSIONAL,,,and also something where u earn handsome money,,,
two things in life gives satisfaction,,, Power & Money... a job where you have a power above all, or a job where you have no power but u earn a lot,,,
and then ur Ego,and self esteem, ur own liking,,

i still beleive that i will be directing a Bollywood Film...

Desires Unlimited,,,

Hazaron Khawishe Aisee , Ke Har Khawish pe Dum Nikale....

so my friend, do anything what you like, you need to strike that balance in life where your interest becomes your profession....

and life is are a person who can bring a smile to many faces, and u deserve the best,,,
u have a lot of potential in u ,,, and sometimes we are the victim of circumstances ...
tera dost,,Kalpesh Saglani
thelaukik said…
thanks guys! i got companionship, advise, opinion and encouragement from your comments. but some say this is midlife crisis that generally guys in mid 20s have. time 'may' be the cure. probably most of them then succumb to circumstances.
sometimes i find it quite funny when i use phrases like "succumb to circumstances". as if i am being pushed into flash trade to feed my family. :-)
I will be making an informed decision...soon
Anonymous said…
Hey i was reading through this text, back of my mind i had a thought, that this guys soul is alive.How many of us even think about all this or have time left out of our routine life to do so.
As the matter "How to know what you like the most" the grass is always green on the other side.
We do have our physical needs and greeds which forces us to leave some of the things which we are fasinated doing.
If you remember our friends did engineering because they wanted a good Pay check, a beautiful wife........all interlinked...then out there it was not enough and they moved on to Marine/MBA and rest stuff and i am sure all this was not all of interest because they didnot get perfection in what they liked the most and where runneing after bread and butter
thelaukik said…
Thanks anonymous!!
Could you please disclose your identity? it would be great to get in touch again.

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